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About Willow4You:

Simply put... The Willow System Is All About You
Welcome to an integrative treatment and education system that creates self-empowering shifts and changes in your body, mind and soul

Other Keywords Used: Body, Career, Family, Heal, Health, Inspiration, Love, Mind, Relationships, Shift, Soul, Spirituality, Treatment,

Media Inquiries Welcome -
You are welcome to contact us regarding Paul E. Harrison, Willow System Workshops, Coaching Opportunities, or Podcast Work etc.

Other Keywords Used: Conquering Fear, Exploring Spirituality, Family Healing, Feeling Safe, Healing Ancestral Roots, Healing The Physical, Learning To Say No, Love and Relationships, Rebuilding Trust, Regaining Control,

Willow4You Blog Posts:

When Do You Need A Willow System Session
You need a Willow System Session for lots of reasons and here's quite a few to get you started...

Other Keywords Used: Career, Definitions, FAQ, Happiness, Healing, Health, Joy, Love, Relationships, Solutions, Spirituality,

What YOU need to heal makes you UNIQUE - Let's Customize
Customized Healing Sessions for Ancestral, Family, Relationship, Spiritual, Abuse, Physical, Disorders, PTSD and Fear Healing...

Other Keywords Used: Coaching, Family, Happiness, Healing, Inner Strength, PTSD, Potential, Relationships, Spirituality,


What's A FaceTime Session? - Definition
FaceTime is Apple's calling service that lets you easily have video sessions in real time over an internet connection from anywhere in the world

Other Keywords Used: Anywhere, Connection, Discovery, Empowerment, FaceTime, Family, Hangouts, Inspiration, Love, Messenger, Relationships, Self-Empoerment, Self-Healing, Sessions, Skype, Spirituality, Success, World,

What's Skype? Your connection to Holistic Health? Definition
Great holistic Discovery Sessions with No Traffic, Stress, or Hassle from anywhere in the world. For Relationships, Family Drama, Empowerment...

Other Keywords Used: Anywhere, Connection, Discovery, Empowerment, FaceTime, Family, Hangouts, Inspiration, Love, Messenger, Relationships, Self-Empoerment, Self-Healing, Sessions, Skype, Spirituality, Success, World,

What Is Messenger - Definition from
The Messenger app lets you easily make video and / or voice sessions over an internet connection anytime and anywhere in the world in real time.

Other Keywords Used: Anywhere, Connection, Discovery, Empowerment, FaceTime, Family, Hangouts, Inspiration, Love, Messenger, Relationships, Self-Empowerment, Self-Healing, Sessions, Skype, Spirituality, Success, World,

What are Google Hangouts - Definition from
Hangouts are a free video chat service from Google that enables both one-on-one (1:1) and group sessions (with up to ten people at a time).

Other Keywords Used: Anywhere, Connection, Discovery, Empowerment, FaceTime, Family, Hangouts, How To, Inspiration, Love, Messenger, Relationships, Self-Empowerment, Self-Healing, Sessions, Skype, Spirituality, Success, World,

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Does Distance Healing Work (Remote Healing)
Distance healing uses powerful healing tools to connect you remotely to new opportunity's for healing family, relationship and personal problems

Other Keywords Used: Balance, Family, Healing, Healthy, Powerful, Relationship, Spirituality, Stability, Strength, Tools,

Willow4You Topics:

The Ask Rita Show Podcast: The Best Medicine Lies Inside You
The Ask Rita Podcast is here to help you look at your health, family, relationships, vocation, wealth and enlightenment with new clarity.

Other Keywords Used: Career, Educating, Family, Happiness, Healing, Health, Healthy, Holistic, Life, Listen, Love, Podcast, Podcasts, Rel, Relationships, Relaxing, Spirituality, Uplifting,

The Willow System On Video:
Here's your full listing of all our videos. Video Tips, Tricks and fun ideas. Plus The Willow System at Work, Talks and Demonstrations...

Other Keywords Used: Family, Fun, Happiness, Healing, Health, Healthy, Ideas, Spirituality, Tips, Tricks, Video, Video Tips, Video Workshops, Workshops,

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And Discover What's Really Important To You

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You can also Email i n f o @ w i l l o w 4 y o u . c o m

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