The Energy Of Today For February 6

Timezone: America / Los Angeles

The Energy Of Today is all about dealing with today's crazy energies

Read: How to start dealing with today's crazy energies How to start dealing with today's crazy energies and More Willow System: How to start dealing with today's crazy energies

About the energy of today...

The energy of today is all about intolerance and walking out of its darkness into the bright light of whatever it is you need, making the best of the situations you find yourself in today without getting tangled up in other people's rages.

What to do with it...

It's all about finding an alternative, something that maybe you once loved or agreed with deep within you, watering it and watching it grow into a beautiful corner of your garden where you can sit, relax and enjoy the sunshine of your heart and desires.

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The Energy of Today is brought to you courtesy of the AYM CENTER

AYM is about many things, but mainly it's your chakra connection.

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Body Mind and SoulEnergyHandling EnergyMeditationPower
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